My favorite books and resources on parenting a Highly Sensitive Child

Books to read yourself
Books to read with your child
- Angel Violet's Magic Wings
- All too much for Oliver by Leila Boukarim
- The Relax kids series are great!
- Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents) by Eline Snel.
- Peaceful Piggy Meditation (Albert Whitman Prairie Books)
Games and music
I've been a fan and a member of HeartMath for years! They have some great products for teaching how to handle stress, how to love and and how to handle emotions. A few of my favorites are listed below, but you should actually check out the whole website!

drs. Karin Monster-Peters
Karin Monster-Peters is an energy management and life purpose coach with a passion to transform lives. Karin's background is in psychology, life coaching and parent coaching and energy healing She has specialized in giftedness, child development, parenting and highly sensitive people. Driven by past experiences she specializes in supporting highly sensitive parents around the world in creating time, emotional space and clarity in who they are so they can start parenting with purpose and flow and create the lives of their dreams.